  • TBIS 2023, the 16th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium will be held on 2023.08.22-08.25!

    2023年八月,第十六届纺织生物工程及信息国际会议即将到来!本次会议TBIS 2023将于8月22日至25日召开,让我们共同期待学术思维的碰撞和学术理念的飞扬!


    In 2023, the Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium (TBIS) celebrates its 16th year! Since its establishment, TBIS has built an international academic communication platform, promoting international and regional scientific research cooperation, sustainable development of the industry, university and research, as well as academic innovation research. TBIS has become a professional international forum with a long history and a strong reputation in the industry. Every year, many internationally renowned experts, scholars, industry elites, and enterprise representatives gather at TBIS to share their latest research results on future-forward scientific research topics of the year. TBIS annual symposium has become an international, multi-disciplinary, cross-regional and cross-boundary platform to carry out academic and technical exchanges.

    本次盛会由波兰天然纤维与药用植物研究所(Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants National Research Institute Poland)与英国曼彻斯特大学(Department of Materials, School of Natural Sciences, The University of Manchester)及纺织生物工程及信息学会(TBIS)联合主办,会议主题为纺织数字化·可持续性·健康,超强专家阵容共议数字化时代纺织工业的可持续发展主题,发起共计11大类,46个演讲报告。

    The event is organized by the Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants, National Research Institute, Poland, and Department of Materials, School of Natural Sciences, The University of Manchester and TBIS. The theme of the conference is Textile Digitisation - Sustainability - Health, with 11 categories and 46 presentation reports.


    The conference is hybrid to ensure participants from various countries can fully participate in the discussions across different fields.


    TBIS一向着重于国际性的学术交流,本次TBIS 2023邀请到来自英国、捷克、中国、日本、法国、美国、波兰、乌克兰、韩国、印度在内的十多个国家和地区的业内知名专家学者参会并发表主题演讲和专题论坛。会议期间,除主会场会议外,大会还设立了8个分会场,就共同关注的专项议题做深度探讨。

    This year, TBIS 2023 has invited well-known experts and scholars from more than 10 countries and regions including the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, China, Japan, France, the United States, Poland, Ukraine, South Korea, and India to attend and deliver keynote speeches and thematic forums. During the conference, in addition to the plenary session, the conference also set up 8 online breakout room to conduct in-depth discussions on special topics of common concern. 


    The speakers of this year’s conference covers a wide range of experts from different professional fields, with outstanding research and impact on the industry development. The agenda of the distinguished guests can be found in following:


    本次TBIS 2023的详细会议议程也一并列出如下:








    TBIS 2023诚挚地欢迎并邀请您莅临现场,期待您的到来将会为这一场学术和思想的盛会增添更多的光辉。在疫情结束之后,万事复苏的时代里,更加需要严谨地探索规划未来科学技术的研究和产业经济环境可持续的发展,让我们一起加入TBIS 2023,为人们在世界上的共同利益一同贡献一份力量。


    TBIS 2023 sincerely welcomes you to contribute your professional expertise to the event and bring novel ideas to the conference. As we recover from the pandemic, there is a great need for innovation in building a sustainable and resilient society. Let's join TBIS 2023 and contribute to the common interest of the world.

    We will work together and move forward!

    更多有关TBIS 2023的详细信息,请查询TBIS官网 (Click Symposium)
