Commun. Math. Res., 31 (2015), pp. 81-88.
Published online: 2021-05
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In this paper, we construct a cocylindrical object associated to two coalgebras and a cotwisted map. It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between the cocyclic object of the crossed coproduct coalgebra induced from two coalgebras with a cotwisted map and the cocyclic object related to the diagonal of the cocylindrical object.
}, issn = {2707-8523}, doi = {}, url = {} }In this paper, we construct a cocylindrical object associated to two coalgebras and a cotwisted map. It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between the cocyclic object of the crossed coproduct coalgebra induced from two coalgebras with a cotwisted map and the cocyclic object related to the diagonal of the cocylindrical object.